Buddha Scribe (8 out of 10 ) I thought the script was really good and very funny. I have not seen the movie and I can't remember the preview of it. I do remember NOT wanting to see the movie. A quarter through the script and I definitely knew I would finally watch the movie. The script itself had a good feel. Pacing of the movie felt spot on. I could visualize and cared about the characters. Jenson was the MFn man. For whatever reason I couldn't like Clay though.
Rebecca (9 out of 10 ) I have seen this movie and I must admit it is very good. Reading this script was good, but it's got some considerable differences to the movie. The basic plot is there but some changes nonetheless. *SPOILER* I think the most shocking thing for me was when Cougar surrended to Aisha and then she shot him in the face! Overall fantastic script and movie. A must watch/read in my opinion.